Welcome to the sweetnasty official blog of the band auGust. Our debut CD "becoming..." now available at www.speakerheart.com/auGust


prayers please...

I almost feel selfish asking this as there are so many of you with your own issues and decisions who could stand to have someone pray for you also, but truly I need your prayers today. A bit of news was passed to me about a possible path for my life/ministry. It would invlove a major step of faith for my wife and I but before I even get into anything about that, I just really need your prayers for us to hear God's voice clearly in this. I am sure I could rationalize either decision in a convincing enough way but I definitely want to be in the center of God's will on this. Truly I am in need of God's peace and his divine direction. As it stands, I am tremendously touched and humbled to have even been thought of for this opportunity but I don't want to jump into something just because it's there. This truly could be the way to my ultimate goal but it could also be a costly distraction from it. Please, please pray for me. Oh yeah, by the way, in case you hadn't already realized it, I'm a Christian. I know, I know -- those are fighting words in most parts of the world(or the supreme court--read "peanut gallery"-- for that matter) but it's who I am. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will pray for you. I see you asked for prayer last June, unless I am mistaken. I just now ran across it; and, even though this is way late, I'm sure it is still ok to pray... Even for something that may already be in the past. So... here I go.

Dear Jesus,
Well, let me just say that you are wonderful. Lord, I have a prayer request. I ask that you will help Kris and his wife to hear your voice on this decision, and if this has already past, I pray that they did the right thing. Also, Lord, I ask that you will let them know that. Let them know in their heart that you are directing them, and allow them to know how to listen for You better each day. I pray for everything that is going on in their life now, and that it is going well. I ask Jesus that you will always comfort Kris and his wife and give them strength through anything. Allow them to know the way you have drawn out for them. God, you are, in a sense, a map, and I ask that you will help them and reviel to the whatever it is your will for them to know. God, you are AWESOME!
Thank you for being you, Jesus.
In Jesus' powerful name I pray, Amen.