Welcome to the sweetnasty official blog of the band auGust. Our debut CD "becoming..." now available at www.speakerheart.com/auGust


here goes nothin'...

Well, here it is at last - my first post to my new blog. For those of you who don't know, I'm kinda new to whole blogging arena. Actually that may be abundantly evident already, but I'm just gonna do my own thing; however, I will certainly welcome any pointers from you blog-buffs out there. I figured I would start with the fairly ambitious goal, for me at least, of getting some pictures up on the blog. These are all photos a good friend of mine took about 2 months ago. I still look the same today except my hair is about an inch longer and my face is now sans mustache. Brian Benoit is the photographer and he did a great job. He and his wife have their own salon in Houston - Emmanuel: A Salon - if anyone is interested. I highly recommend them. Anyway, we'll hopefully get those up soon. Better get to workin on that. Later.

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