Welcome to the sweetnasty official blog of the band auGust. Our debut CD "becoming..." now available at www.speakerheart.com/auGust


OK so it's 2:20 in the morning...

and I just lost $8 playing Hold 'em with the Knights of the Nights of the Round Table. Not too bad for me...sadly. So I am sitting here wondering how best to work out the details of something new we are going to try - the auGust Living Room Tour 2008!

(dramatic pause - okay I guess that should have come before the anouncement -*sigh* - it's too late and I'm too tired to fix it)

anyway, I stole the idea from David Ramirez - a guy who writes great songs and apparently has great ideas like this one. So here's the deal: a living room tour is a tour where we find host homes (preferably homes of people who like our music) who want to invite friends, family, and strangers to come over for an intimate and mind-blowing concert in their living room. The options are that either the host home can pay a low set fee or (what most do) they charge a small cover at the door and part of it goes to the house for refreshments et al. CD's and merch are available for sale after the concert and everyone mingles for a while and realizes how much cooler we are in person!

But how do you get the word out? Who do you ask? Or do they come to you? Well, I guess this is one way to do it - so how's about it? Any takers -- looking for TX dates currently but if you're in a nearby state drop us a line and maybe we'll have a road trip!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey where'd my comment go?
Monday night was awesome! When and where is your next gig? we r there! Whoever catered that gig was great. acn I get their number from you? c u again soon!