Welcome to the sweetnasty official blog of the band auGust. Our debut CD "becoming..." now available at www.speakerheart.com/auGust


Playing Rosenberg SBUX tomorrow night!

Hey we (or maybe just me) will be playing at the Starbucks in Rosenberg(though it's called the Richmond store) tomorrow night from 7-10pm.

To get there take 59 South past the "Hwy 99/Crabb River Road" exit. Take the Reading Rd exit and turn right into the shopping center with the Chili's restaurant. The SBUX is right near Chili's. Please come out and meet us, hear our stuff, and maybe pick up a CD! Plus it's a SBUX and it doesn't get much cooler than that!

Hope to see you there!

Kris & auGust

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